To Love or To Be loved!

Pooja Kelgaonkar
4 min readSep 24, 2019


Disclaimer : This is write up based on experiences of life and people around. Any resemblance to living and non living thing is your perception! Happy reading!!

No one can describe the feeling of Love. I am also not going to describe it!

But according to me, it’s a feeling of affection for anything in this world. Affection for people, nature, animal, for that matter towards any living or nonliving thing in the world. We being human,it’s pretty natural to be affectionate about people/things surrounding us. Feeling of Love is joyful until it’s not hurting the other one. We can’t love anything/anyone forcefully and the same way we can’t force someone or expect to love back. That’s why I thought to write about To Love or To be Loved..

When you love someone, care about someone that’s a really great feeling. But knowingly or unknowingly we start controlling or forcing our thoughts, our relations on the other person. The other one might or might not have the same feelings or thoughts. But we still keep pushing other one to hear us out, follow us and live as per our wish!

The moment you love someone, doesn’t bind them into the do’s and don’ts! They are also human and have their own life and thought process. Don’t force your thoughts, beliefs , likes, dislikes or anything onto them. Believe in your love, person you are in love with. The more you will tie relation in binding n boundaries the more painful it will be! Give respect , time and value to your feelings and relationship. If the other person never care about your Love, feelings and thoughts then that person was never the one who understood your love. Let that person go silently.

I have also seen people talking like a deal when signing loveship! Don’t treat Love like a business deal! It’s a fragile bond between two hearts and lives where everything is tied with the person’s happiness, person being there in your life! The moment you find out such relations , preserve it! Nurture it with Love, Respect and Care. I believe that being transparent is the best quality of any relation. You might face challenges speaking the truth but eventually the person will definitely understand the reason behind not hiding on to anything. Instead of hearing out from anyone else or hiding things from each other, be open and speak up. Prefer not to hide anything from the other person you are in love or relation. If the person really loves you and cares for you being in his/her life, the other one will definitely value and understand the reason behind keeping all straight. And, If at all the person never understands and still force you for anything they want then leave it up to them! Then it’s time for you to look onto and move on! I don’t mean to leave the person and start new relation or something of that sort! But give time to the person to realize and understand all you were trying to make him/her understand. If the person really loves you, he/she will come back to you and be there happily! And unfortunately, the person never comes back that means he/she was never meant to be for you! Never meant to be there in your life! Its sign of your Karma that leave it and live peacefully!

I really feel sad to see people around who treat love as a weapon! As a medium to control people, control someone’s life! And unfortunately, many people don’t understand how and when they give control of their own life to someone else and loose onto their own thoughts! Love someone but not so blindly that you loose on your own power of thinking, vision to see beyond and understand people.

True love will never make you feel down! Love is power, energy to make the impossible , possible! Love will show you a way to lead to peace and harmony! Love will make you smile even if you are sitting alone! Love is when its no more about only one person, it’s about other one! When other’s happiness matters more than ours!! Love shows us to rise and see beyond! Love is all about giving and caring even if that person is with you or not! Love is never jealous, boastful! Love teaches not to be selfish!

To be loved back is an awesome feeling but when you love , doesn’t matter, if you get your love in return or not! You keep loving the person the same way you do!

Love what you have in your life. Don’t force anyone to love back! Discover the magic to be a giver. Love more than expecting to be Loved. I opt for “To Love “ than “To be Loved” !! How about you? :)

Be someone to bring back smile on someone’s face!!



Pooja Kelgaonkar

My words keep me going, Keep me motivating to reach out to more and more!